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chemmedia AG

2014 eLearning Award in the category LCMS goes to FRESSNAPF and chemmedia


(Oct. 21st, 2013) – About ten thousand FRESSNAPF employees in twelve European countries are utilising a new training course whose design and implementation recently received the 2014 eLearning Award in the category LCMS “e-Learning rollout national und international” issued by special interest magazine “eLearning Journal”.
Fressnapf Tiernahrungs GmbH is Europe’s market leader for pet supplies with more than 1,200 retail stores in twelve European countries. The company chose an e-learning solution that offers employees long-term training using multimedia tools and encourages them to learn independently. The e-learning provider chemmedia AG from Chemnitz has been providing technical and design support for the award-winning project.

LCMS KnowledgeWorker enables international rollout of training courses at record speed

The primary aim of the project is to provide training that is consistent, modern and oriented to the needs of the FRESSNAPF stores. To do this, the competencies of the FRESSNAPF Academy are pooled in the areas of training, skills and digital media. Participating in the training initiative are experts, such as veterinarians and marketing specialists, and FRASSNAPF employees from eleven countries throughout Europe.
The learning objectives include developing advisory skills, improving product knowledge and special knowledge, basic knowledge about animal nutrition and pet care, and communication and transfer support for company-wide sales programmes. The solution supplements traditional face-to-face learning (e.g. at the company’s headquarters in Krefeld) and enables employees to be trained on an individual basis according to their needs, taking personal requirements, skills and learning pace into consideration. The international training courses were created, translated and rolled out in eight countries in only 18 months.
The Learning Content Management System (LCMS) KnowledgeWorker was provided by chemmedia and used to create the bespoke e-learning courses. Its market-leading range of functions includes simplified, template-based course creation, automatic support from mobile terminals and integrated translation management.

Extensive use thanks to e-learning flat rate and an all-you-can-learn philosophy

Meanwhile there have been more than 70,000 course registrations and more than 25,000 passed tests which are a testament to the successful learning revolution at FRESSNAPF. The programme has been highly successful thanks to an e-learning flat rate and an “all you can learn” philosophy for every store regardless of training duration and scope. “We are very proud of the thousands of dedicated learners who are providing customers with their growing and always up-to-date knowledge,” sums up Head of Academy Sascha Wingen at FRESSNAPF. Dirk Weigand, Chief Business Development Officer at chemmedia adds: “Naturally we share in FRESSNAPF’s delight over the award. It acknowledges our success in advancing the training of dynamic, innovative companies on a global basis as well.”

E-learning at FRESSNAPF: a clear return on investment

The project has already had an economic benefit: there has been a higher increase in revenues in FRESSNAPF stores where employees regularly utilise e-learning programmes than in stores without the training. Furthermore it has been calculated that the costs for the e-learning activities could already be recouped in the first year – something that can be attributed to the efficient, collaborative production process in KnowledgeWorker. It enabled FRESSNAPF to cut production and translation costs for the international e-learning course by more than 50%. It is something Sascha Wingen can appreciate: “E-learning, training and blended learning are firmly established in FRESSNAPF’s training culture – we will continue to work with chemmedia on numerous innovations in the future.”

About chemmedia AG
chemmedia AG improves its customers' value creation by successfully organising knowledge processes and providing knowledge resources. The portfolio encompasses creation of customer-specific e-learning courses, authors' tools such as the KnowledgeWorker used by numerous customers, learning-management systems that manage online and attendance training programmes, as well as portal systems and search solutions. The owner-managed company is based in Chemnitz and has a team of more than employees with international project experience. Its long-standing customers include Pfizer, METRO, Daimler, Novartis, Bayer and Epson, among others. Customers in Switzerland are served by chemmedia schweiz GmbH.
Contact chemmedia AG
chemmedia AG, Lars Fassmann
Parkstr. 35 . D-09120 Chemnitz . Tel +49 (0) 371 – 49 370-0
info@chemmedia.de . www.chemmedia.de .

Fressnapf | MAXI ZOO is the market leader of pet supplies in Europe. Over 1,200 modern stores in twelve European countries create an extensive and competent network for animal lovers and pet owners from Denmark to Italy. The Fressnapf Group employs more than 10,000 people who work continuously to make the relationship between pets and people simpler, better and happier. What's more, the Fressnapf Group actively pursues its commitment to the bond between pets and people in a number of ways, supporting numerous social, charitable and animal welfare related projects both in Germany and abroad.


  • Dirk Weigand, Chief Business Development Officer, chemmedia AG
  • Lars Fassmann, CEO, chemmedia AG
  • Sascha Wingen, head of academy, FRESSNAPF



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